[ArcheAge 3.5] – Obsidian Gear Crafting Changes

Unlike the crafted weapons (Illustrious-Erenor), Obsidian gear still has grade inheritance, so if you decide to use a Divine Obsidian Shortspear to craft an Ominous Obsidian Shortspear, it will still retain the Divine grade (or have an extremely small chance to go up a grade).  This could be a possible reason why the regrade rates (as seen in this post) for Obsidian gear are lower than Illustrious-Ayanad and other weapons, because Obsidian gear will inherit the grade the material weapon was, unlike Illustrious-Erenor’s grade requirement for crafting up. (They made it easier to regrade successfully for Illustrious to Ayanad so it’s easier to upgrade.)

Without further ado, let’s look at what crafting recipe changes that have occurred for Obsidian gear in 3.5!

Please note that, even with confirmation in the Korean version in the game, these changes may or may not be reflected in the NA/EU version, and/or be altered to suit our version.


You need a lot of Archeum.

A lot.

Additionally, you don’t need mana wisps as it simply uses Archeum.

  • T1 needs 15 Sunlight Archeum Crystals
  • T2 needs 25 Sunlight Archeum Crystals
  • T3 needs 9 Sunlight Archeum Essences
  • T4 needs 18 Sunlight Archeum Essences
  • T5 needs 38 Sunlight Archeum Essences
  • T6 needs 112 Sunlight Archeum Essences
  • T7 needs 235 Sunlight Archeum Essences


It’s the same deal with the weapons. You will need a lot of Archeum, so start saving.

Even with different armor types, the amount of Archeum needs

Head, Feet and Hand pieces:

  • T1 needs 8 Moonlight Archeum Crystals
  • T2 needs 12 Moonlight Archeum Crystals
  • T3 needs 7 Moonlight Archeum Essences
  • T4 needs 12 Moonlight Archeum Essences
  • T5 needs 21 Moonlight Archeum Essences
  • T6 needs 60 Moonlight Archeum Essences
  • T7 needs 128 Moonlight Archeum Essences

Chest pieces:

  • T1 needs 10 Moonlight Archeum Crystals
  • T2 needs 17 Moonlight Archeum Crystals
  • T3 needs 9 Moonlight Archeum Essences
  • T4 needs 16 Moonlight Archeum Essences
  • T5 needs 30  Moonlight Archeum Essences
  • T6 needs 89 Moonlight Archeum Essences
  • T7 needs 181 Moonlight Archeum Essences

Leg Pieces:

  • T1 needs 10 Moonlight Archeum Crystals
  • T2 needs 17 Moonlight Archeum Crystals
  • T3 needs 9 Moonlight Archeum Essences
  • T4 needs 16 Moonlight Archeum Essences
  • T5 needs 30 Moonlight Archeum Essences
  • T6 needs 89 Moonlight Archeum Essences
  • T7 needs 181 Moonlight Archeum Essences

About Existing wisps + gear lower than illustrious

If you have wisps, they can be converted to Illustrious+ Sealed items by using a workbench in Mirage Isle. I will write more details about this in a later post.


The workbench is the one that looks like a Salvage Forge.

As for gear lower than Illustrious:

  • Artificer’s gear is now the new tier that can be crafted into Illustrious. It is easy to make, as it only requires the needed weapon/armor from the Weapon/Armor Merchants and crafting materials.
  • Craftsman’s gear can be exchanged for Artificer’s gear at the Mirage Isle Salvage Forge. Artificer’s gear can be crafted into Illustrious gear.
  • Artisan’s and Conqueror’s gear can be exchanged for Illustrious gear. Artisan gear takes more labor (uses 150 LP) to convert than Conqueror’s gear (uses 1 LP).

47 thoughts on “[ArcheAge 3.5] – Obsidian Gear Crafting Changes

  1. Baran says:

    So you need sealed stuff, not salvaged like before ? (asking cause it was same picture for both)

    Does this means we can re-seal all kind of stuff (illu magni ephe delph) same way as Ayanad can be sealed again, and so, re-seal / unseal them until we get upgradable version of it, using the new tool from machinism ?


    • Percy says:

      Yes, you need sealed items. (Salvaged items had a curvy line that looked more like a sine wave. Sealed items look like “S” that’s upright).

      It seems that ALL of the gear that is Illustrious-Ayanad can be unsealed with the prefix you want on it. There is a UI that shows up, and you can click on the checkbox near the prefix of a weapon you want.

      I feel that the reseal item is good for players that already have weapons that they’d like to reseal for crafting up, or if they got a prefix they didn’t want, they can reseal and unseal with the prefix they want on it. (Note that resealing an item will lose all gems and Lunafrosts, and probably the tempering too).


  2. noel says:

    I dont understand few things here. Now all i need is wisps and some material from Library + boss drops. On my fresh start server weapon wisps are mostly 140 -160g per wisp. To craft T4 obsidian i need 6 wisps = 1000g roughly. But after 3.5 i have to buy sealed ephereum weapon. Ephereum weapon goes for 3000k g+ on my server. I cant craft them myself because the process is tidious and expensive. This kind of changes confused and worried me. Lets say if i craft T1 obsidian greatsword using 44 crafting sword it will result in getting green T1 obsidian piece. To craft this piece in T2 i have to buy another 44 crafted sealed sword to make T2 and so on ? Is that right? Help me ou Percy.


    • Percy says:

      Hello Noel,

      You only need 1 of the Sealed Item at each tier, unlike wisps.

      When you craft tier 1 Obsidian in 3.5, you will only need 1 Sealed Illustrious weapon, and the other crafting mats like the Malevolent Obsidian.

      There will also be a special workbench on Mirage Isle where you can exchange Mana Wisps for Sealed Illustrious-Ayanad gear. For example, if you want to swap Mana Wisps for a Sealed Epherium Greatsword, you can exchange 28 Two Hand Metal Mana Wisps for it. (I will try to post a full list of this later). However, Ayanad will also need the Weapon/Armor/Accessory scroll, if you wish to exchange Mana Wisps for Ayanas.

      Note that in 3.5, you don’t need an upgradable prefix on an item (Illustrious-Erenor) to be able to upgrade it (you just need a sealed item of the correct grade, and because of this change, I expect prices for it do go down a bit).

      So, assuming I interpreted the KR information correctly, maybe you’ll want to save some wisps for 3.5?

      If you have any other questions, please ask them ^^ I’ll try to dig for information as much as I can.


      • noel says:

        Thx Persy. I highly doubt ethereum or delph will fall to the point of being really cheap. To me the whole story looks bad. Now you dont need huge ammount of gold to craft Obsidian gear. After 3.5 you will need tons of gold on fresh start servers. How delph or ephereum could be cheap if whole crafting process isnt god damn cheap at all. Plus the crafting mastery level to craft atleast ephereum gear. Maybe when there is no more correct preffix needed they will be cheaper. But i dont sure and this whole story bothering me. One more question. Which grade should be 44 basic craft item to be used in obsidian craft ? Green or even white maybe ? If i got sealed ephereum can i regrade it before crafting obsidian? Or i have to craft green or white obsidian and then regrade it to something else ? Thx for responding.


        • Percy says:

          The Sealed Illustrious-Ayanad’s grade will not affect the grade of the Obsidian. If you’re crafting from Tier 1, it is going to start at Grand (green grade).

          What is the 44 basic craft item you are referring to? If you’re referring to the Sealed items, you only need 1 per Tier.


      • noel says:

        Forgot to mention one more thing. Can i skip lets say 3 tiers and craft T4 from the ground up using sealed ephereum ? Or i have to go trough T1 to T4 piece by piece. Judging by what you said i should be able craft T4 or even T5 from the ground up with required materials.


        • Percy says:

          You can craft Obsidian at any tier as long as you have the tier before it already. If you wanted to craft a T6, you will then need T5 (at any grade), the Sealed Delphinad, and the crafting materials (much like now).


          • noel says:

            Thx for help again. Oh man and here comes even more question and clarifications )
            Heres what i learn : To craft T1 obsidian i need 1 sealed 44 item and other resorces like archeum etc. To craft T2 i need crafted T1 obsidian + sealed 44 item + resources. To craft T3 must have T2 obs + sealed item + resources. Is that correct statemen ? I want to clarify that to have correct info for my friend. No matter which grade are selaed item you will always get Grand obsidian as the result of crafting ? If i use legendary sealed ephereum after crafting i will have Grand(Green) obsidian weapon ? Or if i regrade my T1 obsidian to legendary i will have T2 and so on as legendaries ? Is that correct ?! What going to happen with malevolent obsidian dropped by mobs from the north and tainted jewel resource ? They are all gone ?


    • Percy says:

      You can simply use a contraption that will reseal the item and it is ready to be upgraded to Ayanad (assuming that it’s Celestial). Ayanad needs a Sealed Celestial Delphinad. 3.5 seems to suggest that you do not need a certain prefix to upgrade, just the correct grade and that it is sealed.

      But I can’t say for sure as it may change as it arrives in NA/EU. If you feel like upgrading it now, go for it. If you want to wait, and assuming that all of this arrives as it had in Korea, then you can wait until then.


  3. Tobi says:

    What does the resealing cost? And if you craft a normal say illustrious weapon, can you already then chose a prefix for it if you unseal it? That would mean that it’s getting pretty cheap to craft delphinad and ayanad, because you don’t have to craft multiple items and hope for the upgradable version, is that correct?


    • Percy says:

      The resealing item is crafted. It is made of Sturdy Ingots and Earthmana Leaves.

      From what it implies on AA DB for KR, it says “If you unseal, you can choose one of the items below.”

      This seems to follow what XLGames promised in a post they published back in December, where they hoped to shrink the gear gap. This seems to be one of the methods they are using to do that.

      Of course, this is all subject to change as it hits our version. We’ll have to wait and see if this does happen in our version.


  4. Chalski says:

    What about if i have legendary delphinad tidal bow and i reseal it than upgrade to ayanad. It will still have legend grade coz u said that delp need cele grade to be craft as ayanad.


  5. Ron says:

    I’m looking to buy some gear to up my gs. What armor type should I stay away from? I don’t want to buy gear that will be out of date in a few months. Ant help would be great!
    Thank you for all that reply


  6. rotem1001 says:


    I have a question

    I saw some people talked about it 3.5 and they are said – in obsidian up tiers is can be return to green from any grade-

    I just want to confirm if is true or lie

    (Sorry about my english)


  7. Xthos says:

    To craft obsidian to T7, are you still going to need all the other items, are the essence and sealed Ayanad just replaceing the wisps? or are they the only things needed, besides the lower tier obsidian? thx.


  8. NIO says:

    Hi Percy. I have an legendary staff at T6 and have a doubt
    I was thinking of doing my T7 right now but with the changes from mana wisp to sunlight archeum essence will cheapen the cost. When can i take this information as official? Because depending I will start to gather my items.
    Thank you


    • Percy says:

      Hey Nio!
      I haven’t updated this to the current version of Obsidian weapons yet. They changed it to require Sealed Weapons (Illustrious to Ayanad).
      I can’t say anything on here is official until Trion says it is, but if you’re willing to start preparing, you can go right ahead 🙂


  9. Patronus says:

    Hi Percy,
    If I have a conqueror’s weapon at say Heroic and I use the workbench to turn it into illustrious, will it keep the grade or loose it?


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